Flip & Go - Wat zijn Meervoudige fases voor Flip & Go? / Flip & Go - What are Multi Phase Flip & Go?

Meervoudige fases of gevlogen Flip & Go spellen 8 vanaf de top van elk uur, elk uur!

Er zijn in totaal 8 fases waarin spelers zich kunnen kwalificeren voor de Eindfase. 
De eindfase zal beginnen wanneer Fase H eindigt en alle spelers zullen ITM (in het geld) zijn.
Flip Fase A:  12:05 UTC
Flip Fase B:  12:15 UTC
Flip Fase C:  12:25 UTC
Flip Fase D:  12:35 UTC
Flip Fase E:  12:40 UTC
Flip Fase F:  12:45 UTC
Flip Fase G:  12:50 UTC
Flip Fase H:  13:00 UTC
De Go stage begint om 13:05 UTC. 

Multi Phase or flighted Flip & Go games 8 from the top of each hour, every hour!

There are 8 phases in total where players can qualify for the Final Phase. 

The final phase will start when Phase H ends and all players will be ITM (in the money)

Flip Stage A: 12:05 UTC
Flip Stage B: 12:15 UTC
Flip Stage C: 12:25 UTC
Flip Stage D: 12:35 UTC
Flip Stage E: 12:40 UTC
Flip Stage F: 12:45 UTC
Flip Stage G: 12:50 UTC
Flip Stage H: 13:00 UTC

The Go Stage will begin at 13:05 UTC

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